Rock & Roll Hall of Fame – Louder Than WordsRock, Power and Politics

Correspond with the year the RNC held their convention in Cleveland, the Rock Hall came to The Rogers Company to work with them to build an exhibit that would be featured on 3 different floors at their museum. The working name “Politics in Rock” featured examples of how artists influenced the social fabric. Each were categorized into a timeline based on Presidential terms in office starting with Eisenhower and moving thru Obama.
There were several challenges with this project:
• 4 week timeline
• 34 different size trapezoid wall cases
• 33 Plexiglas showcases that attach to the wall cases
• 10 floor cases
• 11 interactive kiosks design to look like voting booths
• 10 presidential markers
• 10 monitor shrouds with built in sound bars
• Must be constructed to become a traveling exhibit
• And the big one- all components must fit in their passenger elevator to gain access to 3 different levels
The official name of the exhibit became “Louder than Words: Rock, Power and Politics” and opened on May 20th, 2016. It ran thru the summer and was used for private events during the RNC Convention. Closing in November 2016, The Rogers Company returned to remove and pack everything into custom built containers needed for traveling. The “Louder than Words” exhibit then traveled to Washington DC to exhibit at the Newseum as the first leg of it’s tour. Since then it’s been making its rounds around the United States.
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